Audit of regular financial statements and audit of nonrecurring financial statements
Premium audit strives to provide its clients while performing the financial statement audit services with:
- quality service,
- assistance to management in improving the system of internal controls,
- helping the management in discovering the shortcomings in the business,
- advising management in eliminating deficiencies, weaknesses and irregularities,
- mapping and analysis of business risks,
- monitoring the entire business and comparing plans with achieved goals,
- helping management in making important business decisions.

We adapt to the client’s requirements and their work system. Knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards and continuous monitoring of regulations and trends in the market allows us to detect deficiencies in business, as well as to advise clients on how to improve their business.
Regardless of whether it is regular financial reports, nonrecurring financial reports or consolidated financial reports, Premium audit will form a team of experts who are specialized in the activity of that particular client and who will carefully plan a systematic approach to the audit of financial reports in accordance with the client’s needs.